Monday, 28 March 2011

Startup Britain - the launch

I’ve just returned from the Startup Britain launch (good to see it trending on Twitter by the way). I have to say I was impressed. Not only is it a good idea, but there seems to be a real buy in from the Government too, clearly they can see the financial importance of small businesses to the UK economy- according to the FSB small firms contribute more than 49 per cent of the UK turnover!

The Government have made some real changes to the tax structure to help small businesses and entrepreneurs recently. They are doing all the right things by creating an environment that promotes private enterprise - and there are a number of great initiatives to get young people setting up companies. Before the budget I was saying that the Government needs to incentivise with tax and then get out of the way - which is exactly what they are now doing.

Having said that, what we want to hear more about is how we can get more experienced people setting up on their own - not just an obsession with youngsters and start ups. The real growth will come from the development of existing smaller businesses with experience.

Rupert Lee-Browne
Caxton FX

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